Saturday, February 16, 2008

Get Lucid Now!!!

In short, LUCID DREAMING refers to the ability to be awake in your dreams.


Some reasons to jump in and Start Lucid Dreaming are

  1. DO anything: And I mean anything. Want to goto the moon?, take part in the Battle of TROY? , play football with dinosaurs ?,well you can do that and more with LUCID DREAMING.
  2. Live Longer: Your awake in the day right? You go to work, meet friends, blah blah blah.Now you come home at night and then get into your bed and crash. Out of the 24 hours in the day we sleep for about 8hours. Now that seems like a big waste of time to me. 1/3 of your life is spent sleeping!. So why not utilize this gigantic chunk of time and actually have fun?
  3.  Spiritual Development: Tibetan monks practiced lucid dreaming for 1,000’s of years as a way of achieving nirvana and attain higher states of consciousness . So what are you waiting for, say Hi to God tonight.
  4. Solve Problems: Cant figure out life perplexing troubles? Wanna enlist the help of that gigantic subconscious mind (tips of the iceberg n all) ?. Well gate crash the party tonight and meet the you within and let him help you out .
  5. Cool Stuff: This would cover, walking on walls , flying , walking through walls, dating movie actresses, doing more than just dating them , etc
  6. Some more reasons if you aren’t convinced yet.


There are hundreds of ways to start Lucid Dreaming.
I recommend you start with this website:

Take some time and read up about the topic, there are tons of better techniques out there, but those take a little more effort and time.

Will post some more Details soon.