Friday, March 7, 2008

Are You the master of Reality?

"Could you say with confidence that this is true reality and not the dream world"

Well lets not get into a debate about what true reality really is, but rather lets take it for granted that our living waking state is concrete and unchangable and what we call "Real". So usually there are 2 states in existence, one is the reality of the waking state and the other the unreality that is the dream state.

So getting back to the question, How do you know that right now you arent dreaming, that your not just asleep in your bed, dreaming about reading a post on this website?
If I asked you this question you would confidently tell me that there no way that you could be dreaming right now, and that you just know that this is reality and it cant be disputed.

Good Point.

But what if someone asked you this same question inside your dream?

Even then you would give him that exact same answer!

Ok, so now I hope I've got you doubting your state of reality, but however much I try and convince you Im pretty sure that your not gonna believe that this is a dream.We Humans have some sort of gut feel encoded into our minds that convince us that this is true reality, and this, I believe keeps us alive, prevents us from going insane and creates order in the world.

So what happens if this switch that keeps you believing in reality is switched off, what then?

Do you go insane?

Do you gain Englightenment?

Have insane people actually gained enlightenment?

Let me tell you about an experience I had which seemed to override the reality switch and leave me in doubt.

I got up one morning and meditated to try for a lucid dream.I went off to sleep and woke up with the vibes.I went through them and then my dream body dropped through my bunk bed onto the floor and I was fully consious and inside the dream state. This wasnt an out of body experience because there were some inconsistancies with the arrangement of my room.

Now before I went to sleep, I told myslef that today If I had a lucid dream, I wanted to jump out of my six floor apartment to see how it felt. So once I got lucid I immediately went to my balcony to take my death defying jump.

This dream was one of the clearest dreams I've had and I was completely lucid and enjoying the experience of being inside my head. I stood on the balcony and took in the sights that my brain was simulating.Closing my dream eyes I breathed in the cool morning air, feeling the thinness and temperature of it, listening to the sound of birds chirping, feeling the coldness of the tiled floor under the soles of my feet.

I took my hands and placed them on the iron grill of my balcony, everything was right about it! Right from the temperature of the steel, the texture of metal, the frictional force while sliding my hands on it. I was simply blow away by my minds ability to simulate even the smallest details to perfection. Every bit of reality was exactly rendered to provide me with this 3 dimensional experience.


Now when I thought this I opened my dream eyes and looked around, Hmm... Everything was pretty real, the plants looked real, the world looked real, the rest of the world in front of me seemed concrete and stable.Why wasnt this reality then? Was I really in my dream, like I thought I was? Or did I just wake up and climb out of my bed in a groggy state and land up in the balcony?

This might seem like a trivial thought, but considereing that I was planning to jump off the balcony in the next couple of minutes, this debate was a matter of life and death for me. I paced around the balcony nervously debating my state of reality.

If I decided to jump, I would probaly be the dumbest human alive and someone who killed himself thinking that it was a dream. But then jumping seemed to be the only way to test whether it was a dream or not, but I couldnt take the risk. So I decided to spend some more time thinking about it.

"I had never in my experience of true reality ever doubted whether it was real", I thought to myself. But now since I have a seed of doubt about reality, maybe it was a dream and that the dream brain was not as confident about the state of reality as my real world brain was. So if im ever in a situation where I doubt reality, then it has to be the dream world, was the conclusion that I came too.

This thought calmed me down a bit, but I was still a little doubtful.So I took this doubt as further proof that I was thinking with my dream brain.I shakily grabbed the railing of the balcony and climbed over, leaning forward and looking down at the ground far below.

"6 floors down .6 feet under..
Nope Im not gonna die..
this has to be a dream! "

And I jumped.

I was falling fast, feeling the air rushing by and it felt great!, but It was the landing that I was worried about. When I slammed into the ground, suprisingly i felt pain. But it was more of a dull sort of pain, like a slap in the face or a punch in the arm. The ground then went inwards like a canvas sheet and I sunk into it like an acrobat at a cirus. It then stretched back to normal and I got up feeling exhilirated ,like an astronaut who just went throught the a dangerous descent and landed sucessfully on Mars.

Thank God for the Reality Switch!

I ran around doing fun stuff for a bit and then later the world faded to black and I woke up in my bed.

I made it Back to reality and I was pretty relieved and happy that I had made the right decision to trust my judgement.

But let me give you a little disclaimer in case you want to take these rules and make it your own. The statement that "You can never doubt reality in real life,and if you do doubt then its probably is a dream" is applicable to you only if your in a completely drug / alcohol / Intoxicant free state.

Dont go and smoke a couple of joints and then decide that the world is pretty freaky or might be a dream and end up jumping in front of a herd of elephants! (Drug use is in a wildlife sanctuary is probably a really bad idea for just this reason!)
So dont do something that might reset your reality swithch and make you do something crazy that your going to regret later, if you live through it that is, instead try wild stuff out from the saftey of your home, the comfort of your bed, and the security of the inside of your head.

Btw my next crazy lucid dream wish is to be eaten by a T-Rex!
So wish me LUCK on this next adventure!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Third Eye -The Weird Eye?

If you watch any sort of anime or paranormal /Sci-Fi movies then
you would’ve definitely heard of "The Third Eye".Infact its become such a popular notion that people probably take it for granted that there is one, and kudos to Hollywood and Paranormal Fiction for promoting the concept.Thanks to it I would probably conjure up images of a Sadhu shooting laser beams out of the centre of his head if someone mentioned the term "third eye opening"! . So lets look at a more down to earth picture of what this third eye might really be.

Eastern schools of thought believe that besides your regular 2 eyes that see outwards, we have a third eye, an eye that opens the gates to inner worlds.This third eye is associated with psychic and telepathic phenomena like clarivision, astral projection, etc. and indeed in most occult philosophy, spiritual development is achieved through the opening of this eye, leading to states of enlightenment and higher awareness.

The third eye is said to be located at the point between the eye brows and when fully opened reaches upto the centre of the forehead .
(The thought just occurred to me that it would make an
excellent product design case study at Ray Ban)

Biological Basis of a third Eye.

Most occult theories claim that the Pineal gland corresponds to the
Third Eye. Read on to get a brief overview.

The Pineal Gland:

The Pineal gland (located in the geometric center of the brain) is a photosensitive gland which regulates the production of melatonin which is responsible for regulating sleep rhythms. (Coincidently; or not , Melatonin supplements are available for sale and are taken to offset the effects of jet lag, but it is also taken by lucid dreamers in order to increase the vividness and  lucidity of their dreams as it increases your REM cycles.)

The pineal gland is also said to have the highest concentration of serotonin and tryptamine(or the ability to create these) ,which are neurotransmitters that are responsible for regulating mood and promoting feelings of happiness and love.

There are also certain theories that claim that the gland can excrete large quantities of the psychedelic substance DMT which some believe  plays a role in promoting the visual effects of natural dreaming, and also near-death experiences and other mystical states.
Pineal Gland Studies:

A study (published in Nature)
was carried out in order to determine if there was any co-relation between the
Pineal Gland and meditation. Their findings were:

"we report that, together with other brain regions, pineal body exhibit significant activation during meditation process, supporting the long lasting speculation that pineal plays an important role in the intrinsic awareness which might concern spirit or soul. Pineal is known as an endocrine organ which produces substrates including melatonin and has been ascribed numerous even mysterious functions"

Mythological Theories

I had read somewhere about the pineal gland being a leftover gland that no longer functions as it used to and that as humans evolved,  the Pineal gland became dormant. This they claimed, was because in the beginning humans were highly evolved beings capable of telepathic and psychic abilities, but gradually as they became more interested in the physical world, they lost these abilities and the Pineal Gland, which was responsible for these had ceased to function as it did.

This is pretty interesting because it seems to tie up with the theories of Atlantis, and of how the Atlanteans were greatly evolved beings, who, after the fall of Atlantis left their island and founded the great civilizations of the world. Of course since there is no proof to support any of these concepts,So lets just bury them for the time being.

My thoughts on the Third Eye:

I first came across the concept of Lucid dreaming back in 1999 and I tried a ton of methods that were supposed to induce them but never could seem to have one.
After about a year of trying without success, I came across an article on the internet about a method called the Suneye Method. 

This Technique required you to wake up a couple of hours before your normal wake time, then spend about half an hour focusing on the spot between your eyes and then going back to sleep. I tried that one morning and that was  the day I had my first Lucid Dream, and that week I had 6 more Lucid Dreams using this method.

Meditating on the third eye also gave rise to some unusual experiences. I found that sometimes when I woke up early and focused on that point, my forehead would be tingling (this is quite a normal body response as result of increased blood flow to the area which was being concentrated upon), and as I was lying down in bed and drifting off to sleep, a point would come where Im just getting into the dream but then I would suddenly be pulled back awake and feel my forehead vibrating and these vibes would move to the rest of the body and become quite intense followed by the feeling of accelerating or falling at a very high speed. (will detail this later in another post) . And the thing is; that once this forehead tingling had begun, It was impossible to go back to sleep without this same feeling repeating itself over and over again. I would finally give up going to sleep and wait until the forehead tingling was completely gone before returning to bed. 

This has happened so many times that I now label this feeling of tingling as “fuzzy head” in my journals, and I’ve found that it almost always ends in Lucid dreams , vibrations or pseudo Out of Body Experiences.

So in my personal experience, I think that there is a strong possibility that the third eye exists and that it could hold the key to psychic experiences.
I recently stumbled upon a Huge book online which covers third eye
opening in depth.(Will share the link here) and I plan on trying it out and seeing what happens. Feel free to download and let me know about any experiences that you have too.

Until then, 
have a  speedy third eye awakening!