Friday, July 18, 2008

brain tv


Ok, so theres a picture of a pink creature with a gigantic TV on his head.I bet your now real curious about what this post might be all about.

Thats what I love about pictures, they draw you in and make you wonder & think about whats going on.This is active viewing, where your not just seeing but processing information and internally talking about the scene too.

But what if you were in a place where every thought that came into your mind caused a change in what you see. Sort of like a remote control in your head, that kept flicking channels the moment you thought of a number.

Sounds neat right.

The only problem with this is that the human brain is so whimsical and unchained that it can bounce around to a hundered thoughts in span of a few minutes.So imagine the psychedelic onslaught of images flashing from these 100 channels changed by your trigger happy brain.If you imagined that correctly then you probably had an eplileptic fit from all that flashing and your lying on the floor flopping and frothing, if not, then *whew..* call yourself blessed and lets move on.

Get to the point Already! What is this Brain TV :

All that rambling was just to warm me up, so now to the meat and potatoes of what im talking about.

Hypnagogic Imagery: Yep.That is a complicated word, and using it just made me smarter in your eyes, didnt it? :)

Basically it refers to the images that one sees as he falls asleep. These images range from random flashes of light and colours to scenes of places and objects.You also hear sounds, either random ones or as part of the scenes your watching. Eventually you'll slip into a dream and step into the movie screen altogether.

So by Brain TV I mean the zone that were in when were inbetween sleep and wakefullness

During the times that I had started with my dream research I never really understood this phenomena, I would sit every night and look for these flashes of light and Id just end up falling asleep and hitting my head in despair later when I awoke.

It was only recently that I realized how to observe this phenomena.

The Brain TV guide:

1) Go to bed when quite sleepy and just close your eyes and relax.

2) Empty out the thoughts in your head and try not to let your mind wander away from your goal of wanting to see images.

3) Dont try and stare at the blackness in front of you. (Example: Suppose your staring at a bright light and you close your eyelids.Then in the visual field in front of you, their would be a bright spot at the place where the light had been. Thats what I mean by the blackness in front of you & this is not what your supposed to be looking at)

4) Instead look at the blankness inwards (This make me sound like Yoda doesnt it?Im not doing this on purpose, but let me try to be clearer) Ok when you close your eyes and think something your not focussing your eyes at any point ahead, your just thinking inside your head (hmm is this any clearer?) and theres black around you. This is also like day dreaming, imagine that your day dreaming, but not thinking about any topic specifically.

5) Now just sit quiet and wait.

Wow! What a great guide! Just Dripping with information and technique!

Aaah Sarcasm...Yes I know. Doesnt seem like much does it. But just hang on for a couple of minutes.

6) Now as your waiting, thoughts will pop into your head, Ignore them, soon you'll see a flash or blur of an image which will be gone before you know it.Then just identify the image you saw. (example: Ok that was a monkey flying at me with a samurai sword. I really did see this btw. some Kung Fu Panda memories probably).

7) Afer identifying it just keep still and wait for the next image to finish and then make a mental note about it.

This is now the time when your brain is capable of moulding the next image into anything you want. So if you see a car and then think of a bus, your next image will be a bus and this is quite an interesting stage where your an active creator whose slightest movement of mind paints images and scenes in an instant. But the thing is if you try and involve yourself in the images then you end up spiralling into the dreamstate.

Ive noticed that the falling asleep process goes somthing like this.

Ok thats a bus, hmm must be some school children somewhere, Ok there they are playing on a swing, it must be fun to swing in the playground,hey now this looks like my school playground,but no ones here , I guess the exams are going on, shit I havent studied, damnnit im going to fail, ok the teachers handing out papers , blah blah notice that every time a scene was thought it played out in the next line and until your memories switch off and you think your part of the scene.

8) Soon the images will stay longer and will progress into scenes. Like a broad sweeping shot of a train station or a scenery.Slowly as you observe these scenes without trying to analyze them too much, the level of detail will increase, and youd be amazed and the kind of visual shots your brain is capable of. Its like we all have this Cinematographer in our heads, but we dont know it yet. Time to bow once again to the great subconsious mind.

9) You will also hear sounds. But you will first think that you thought the sound, but if you dwell on the sound then you realize that you actually heard it ( loopy jargon revisited: The difference is, If I ask you to imagine a bang sound, you simulate the thought in your head, but its not the same as when you hear a bang sound from something that fell down in front of you.Hope thats clear)

10) Now at some point you'll get lost in the image and it will, like a 3 dimensional hungry Dinasaour, devour you whole, and you'll fall into the dreamstate.

Great! So you have now sucessfully tuned into your head. Thanks to the 10 point Guide to Brain TV!

So this was a pretty fun exercise, that you can use to kill time before you fall asleep.Its also a great way to improve your visualization skills by getting used to seeing detailed images in your mind.You could also use it to get ideas and think laterally, people say that these hypnagogic images sometimes contains scenes of the future or warnings about dangers ahead.Cant say that ive experienced those things though.

Going Deeper into the Rabbit Hole:

I was curious about this state and the possibilites it held, because if you could keep consious long enough then you could directly step into the images and scenes with full consiciousness.I.e Enter directly into a lucid Dream.

So I did some research online and found that these hypnagogic Images are used in a techniue called "Phasing" to transport yourself into different states of mind. This state was researched by one of the pioneers of dreaming .Robert A Monroe, and his experience with this state formulated an alternate view of reality.

Theres no point getting into the depths of this, but it is quite interesintg to read. Do visit these links below to get into the details of it.

Also the Monroe Institute has published a series of CD's which utilize the Phasing techniques to bring you to altered states of consiousness. I have tried these briefly but havent really given it enought time and effort to validate how well it works.

Click here to read about The Gateway Experience:

Maybe someday I'll try it out enought to put up a post.

Until then..

Keep tuning into Brain TV!

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