Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How to work 18 Hours a day.

So you want to work hard, want to take it one step further, you want to work 18 hours a day! .

I take it that the you’ve been snagged by the sensational title and have decided to figure out how indeed a person could work 18 hours a day. Well if you have, then you must be have a really sad social life to want to spend so much time being a mouse on the corporate treadmill.

Anyway let me tell you about this irritating thing that’s been happening to me lately.
I go to work and sign out after 11 hours of running around playing with presentations , jogging with numbers and clicking away at my mouse.

So now after this hard working day I come home and manage to find my way to my cosy comfy bed ,and wrap myself with a nice warm wooly blanket, and though it tends to electrocute me with static electricity discharges now and then, my bed is a good place to aspire to be in, after a hard days work.

So I drift off to sleep with hopes of dreaming of beautiful women ( not interested in running around trees), and traveling abroad to places whose air tickets I couldn’t afford with a years paychecks. The fog of sleep consumes me and I slip into my shimmering dreams, only to find myself sitting in my cubicle at work surrounded by the same presentations, excel sheets and my lonely mouse to click on.I just spent 11 hours at work in the day and the dream version of me spends the 7 cozy hours that It has left, WORKING!!!




Something’s seriously wrong here. 11 hours at work today and another 7 hours of the night…, AT WORK! So out of the 24 hours in the earlier day, I was at work for 18 hours!

Now im really pissed of, and juggle with the thought of taking the day off today to get back those 8 hours which have been stolen from me. But slowly the realization dawns on me, like a fart in a crowded lift, that Im not gonna be paid for those 7 hours of dream work, and that the merciless corporate machine will cut my days pay if I don’t get back to slogging for the day.

So I trudge to work filled with a mind that’s now calculating 11+7+11 = 29. 29 is gonna be the number of hours I’ve spent working without rest, and it even goes so far as to remind me that its gonna be 29+7=36 hours of non stop work if I’m unfortunate enough to be working while I sleep, for yet another night. There seems to be no escape from this perpetual struggle with infinity and the only thoughts of hope seems to point to weed , alcohol and miscellaneous banned substances I haven’t yet tried. Drown the brain and kill the pain. Smoke the little bastard out of his cubicle, that might do the trick, I think to myself.

I suppose your reading this expecting to hear a happy ending of how I’ve slayed these dragons in my head and overcome this perpetual workday, but sadly I don’t have a solution to this yet, and until I dig up more information about this subject and how to effectively stop myself from dreaming what im dreaming, this will remain an unfinished and woeful tale.

But I hope I’m not alone and that there are some more of you out there who are joining in on the 36 hour job day/Night. So If your going through something like this and can de- stress enough to get out of it, then drop me your comments and help me get my nightly share of fair maidens back from the corporate castle.

Until then,
You can reach me at my office Phone.

Ps Stay tuned for
A) Reasons why I think I need to be paid for my dream hours at work too!
(coming up as soon as im back in the real world with some time on my hands)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Swimming in a sea of questions

Its been a long time since the first post gleefully poured onto this blog. So here’s another to keep the existing ones from getting too lonely.

I’ve decided to list out some topics related to dreaming that are pretty interesting. Im sure you’ll find a bunch of weird things in this list and spend some time thinking and wondering about them.

The internets a big place and there already is a ton of information related to these thoughts, but I’ll save you the trouble of chopping your way through the weeds of information and cover some (if not all) of these topics in the coming months.

1) Why Do we Dream?

Is there anything more to those crazy things that we do in our dreams? Why do we dream of giant Pink Cows that can fly? or of fighting vampires and wervolves, while armed with a giant fork and spoon.

Isn’t it reassuring that even the smartest person in the world, while dreaming, could be convinced that the sun is a giant tasty orange floating in the sky?

So let’s look at some of the theories of why we Dream and what those dreams might mean.

2) Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid Dreaming refers to the state of dreaming in which you are aware of the fact that you are in a dream.

So you can do whatever you feel like, since you know that you are inside your dream and that the real you is snoozing away in that cozy bed somewhere outside the dream world.

This is one of the most interesting things about dreaming and it gives you unlimited freedom if you can master the art of being able to become lucid in your dream.
There are a lot of techniques and things that you can learn and practice. Its not that hard, and with some time and effort you can step into this kick ass world of lucid dreaming.

) Dream Incubation

Did you ever go on a diet and wish that you could spend your nights eating chocolate cake and ice cream in your dreams?
Dream incubation tries to help you out with your pigging our fantasies.

This refers to the technique of making yourself dream about certain topics that you decide about before hand. Its like writing down what you want to dream about tonight and then actually dreaming about the very same thing.

I haven’t had much luck with this, but I’m sure there must be some research done about this on the net, and people would have come up with some good techniques to try.

Those were some of the bigger topics, other questions to think about are,

4. Can dreams extend time? Is 5 mins in the dream world equal to 5 mins in real world time?

5. Astral Projection vs Lucid Dreaming ? Are these the same or are they different things entirely?

6. Does Lucid Dreaming take up more energy? When we lucid Dream do we wake up refreshed or feel like we haven’t been sleeping at all?

7. Do we dream in full colour? Do people dream in black and white or some other shades of colours?

8. Can too people meet each other in their dreams and then find out that they both had the same dream last night, and that they really were together in the same dream? Is this concept of shared dreaming really possible?

9. What is sleep Paralysis? And why does this weird thing happen to some people? and why its perfectly normal to be in this state

10. What happens to me if I die in my dream? Does it affect me in real life?

11. Are people capable of seeing the future in their dreams? Are dreams some kind of time machine by which we could tap into the future of our selves and sometimes see visions of future events not yet realized?

12. How can we use our dreams to solve our problems? Can we creatively solve problems and does dreaming tap into our powerfull subconscious minds?

13. Can we tap some mysterious intelligence of the universe when we dream?

14. Can we have Déjà vu in dream? Do we have a separate memory in our brains , that remember all the places that we have gone to in our dreams and we remember these places if we visit them again in our dreams?

15. Can we get stuck inside our dreams and never get out?

16. Is it possible to dream of past lives and can dreaming be a form of past life regression?

17. Can dreams be used to get rid of phobias or to learn new things? Does learning a skill in a dream also make us better at that skill in real life?

18. What effect do drugs and substances have on our dreams? What can we do to have better dreams?

I guess you now realize that there is a lot more to dreams than we thought there was, and even though this is a simple thing that we all have in common, there are so many different aspects of it that haven’t been fully understood and studied about yet.

So Until next time,

Happy Dreaming!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cosmic connections

Just after I finally got off my butt and posted the first post, I thought it might be interesting to look up this day, Jan 6th , and see if I could find any references to anything that might have a connect with this Blog.

The findings Follow.

Epiphany, meaning 'appearance' or 'manifestation', is a Christian feast intended to celebrate the "shining forth" or revelation of God to mankind in human form, in the person of Jesus. Some Christians commemorate the visitation of the Magi to the child Jesus on this day, while others use the day to commemorate the baptism of Jesus as an adult. It is also called Theophany, especially by those commemorating Christ's baptism.

The date of the feast was very early fixed on January 6. Ancient Liturgies speak of Illuminatio, Manifestatio, Declaratio (Lighting, Manifestation, Declaration); cf. Matthew 3:13–17; Luke 3:22; and John 2:1–11; where the Baptism and the Marriage at Cana are dwelt upon.
Well , sounds like a good day to start :) . 
And now this puts me in an egomanical mood.
However on a more sober note. This day was also ,

in 1940 - Mass execution of Poles, committed by Germans in the city of Poznań, Warthegau.

Well so theres the Yin and Yang of it, but I think I'll focus on the good.
Happy Jan 6th. 

Over and Out!

The Awakening

Here begins my little thought stream devoted to dreaming , sleep and the escape from reality.

I remember my younger days and how crazy I was about things like lucid dreaming ,dream incubation, Interpretation, astral projection etc. & Its been a long time since I’ve been as in touch with these them.
For some reason, boredom maybe, or just to get those kicks which I used to, I now find myself wanting to get back to these topics and to do more than be just a dilettante. Why not spend some time researching these subjects and looking at them more objectively? I thought to myself.

The neat thing with dreaming is, the more time that you devote to thinking about it, the better you get. So this blog serves a dual purpose: firstly, to help me get better at playing with my brain and secondly to write about something interesting and hopefully encourage other people to join in this fun game.

So for all you earthlings reading this, When you sink into that fog of sleep tonight, don’t just zap out and return the next morning, instead have a wild time, go places, meet people and do things you never could have done in real life!

Until next time,
Smooth sailing in dreamy waters.