Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How to work 18 Hours a day.

So you want to work hard, want to take it one step further, you want to work 18 hours a day! .

I take it that the you’ve been snagged by the sensational title and have decided to figure out how indeed a person could work 18 hours a day. Well if you have, then you must be have a really sad social life to want to spend so much time being a mouse on the corporate treadmill.

Anyway let me tell you about this irritating thing that’s been happening to me lately.
I go to work and sign out after 11 hours of running around playing with presentations , jogging with numbers and clicking away at my mouse.

So now after this hard working day I come home and manage to find my way to my cosy comfy bed ,and wrap myself with a nice warm wooly blanket, and though it tends to electrocute me with static electricity discharges now and then, my bed is a good place to aspire to be in, after a hard days work.

So I drift off to sleep with hopes of dreaming of beautiful women ( not interested in running around trees), and traveling abroad to places whose air tickets I couldn’t afford with a years paychecks. The fog of sleep consumes me and I slip into my shimmering dreams, only to find myself sitting in my cubicle at work surrounded by the same presentations, excel sheets and my lonely mouse to click on.I just spent 11 hours at work in the day and the dream version of me spends the 7 cozy hours that It has left, WORKING!!!




Something’s seriously wrong here. 11 hours at work today and another 7 hours of the night…, AT WORK! So out of the 24 hours in the earlier day, I was at work for 18 hours!

Now im really pissed of, and juggle with the thought of taking the day off today to get back those 8 hours which have been stolen from me. But slowly the realization dawns on me, like a fart in a crowded lift, that Im not gonna be paid for those 7 hours of dream work, and that the merciless corporate machine will cut my days pay if I don’t get back to slogging for the day.

So I trudge to work filled with a mind that’s now calculating 11+7+11 = 29. 29 is gonna be the number of hours I’ve spent working without rest, and it even goes so far as to remind me that its gonna be 29+7=36 hours of non stop work if I’m unfortunate enough to be working while I sleep, for yet another night. There seems to be no escape from this perpetual struggle with infinity and the only thoughts of hope seems to point to weed , alcohol and miscellaneous banned substances I haven’t yet tried. Drown the brain and kill the pain. Smoke the little bastard out of his cubicle, that might do the trick, I think to myself.

I suppose your reading this expecting to hear a happy ending of how I’ve slayed these dragons in my head and overcome this perpetual workday, but sadly I don’t have a solution to this yet, and until I dig up more information about this subject and how to effectively stop myself from dreaming what im dreaming, this will remain an unfinished and woeful tale.

But I hope I’m not alone and that there are some more of you out there who are joining in on the 36 hour job day/Night. So If your going through something like this and can de- stress enough to get out of it, then drop me your comments and help me get my nightly share of fair maidens back from the corporate castle.

Until then,
You can reach me at my office Phone.

Ps Stay tuned for
A) Reasons why I think I need to be paid for my dream hours at work too!
(coming up as soon as im back in the real world with some time on my hands)


Ben said...

When I was a teenager I worked at the library, shelving books for hours at a time. It was a lovely, stress-free job, but of course paid hardly any money. It drove me nuts though to come home and dream all night long about shelving books. The same thing happened when I would play Zelda or Tetris for hours as a kid... confession...and as an adult. Whahah!

PS Your title was good. Very Steve Pavalina-esque in a 'WTF?' kind of way- it got my attention and got me to click on it!

Anonymous said...

shit man, im a electro engineering and compsci major at berkeley. I actually worked 18hrs yesterday (9am - 3am)to get a java program to produce nothing but errors. Ive had a philosophy essay, a multivar calc midterm, a physics midterm and now this comp sci project all due within the last 10 days. Its been nothing but 5-7 hours of class followed by 5-7 hours of cramming for the last 2 weeks. And you know what I do in the half hour of free time I have before I go to sleep: I smoke so much erb that I dont have any dreams. So, bra-eh, you need to learn how to use spell check and start doing some actual work. As for me, Im going to stop wasting time and go back to the compsci lab to spend another allnighter trying to debug my project.